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Website Design: Ä°brahim KarabaÄŸ
Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture


Established in 1991, LAUD is the first and pioneer undergraduate degree in Turkey to integrate landscape architecture with urban design.

About LAUD

We Train the Designers of Future Cities

LAUD is a design-oriented program that meets Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. It fulfills a unique and leading role in undergraduate education of urban design in Turkey. LAUD's multi-disciplinary faculty and open, pluralistic attitude to education enrich its students with social, environmental and aesthetic values.

LAUD offers a curriculum aimed at enhancing life and environmental quality in cities. Its participation in international exchange and collaboration programs worldwide invests in developing global views in design, while continuing to operate in and local contexts. The program fosters face-to-face interaction with diverse urban actors with field trips and encourages students to excel their skills in both teamwork and individual study.


With a design-oriented interdisciplinary educational approach, LAUD focuses on people, nature, city, and society within urban contexts, aiming to create better quality urban environments for healthy individuals and society. The undergraduate courses are, therefore, presented by instructors who are specialized in diverse disciplines, either individually or in groups.

Unlike other programs of landscape architecture in Turkey, LAUD is affiliated with an art, design and architecture faculty focusing on design education in studios. The design studios and the technical and theoretical courses that make up the curriculum are supported by field trips in order to study various urban contexts as their project sites. These educational trips range from intra-city daily tours to international summer programs.


LAUD has successful alumni working in miscellaneous fields

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LAUD in Numbers

Some facts about our alumni

% 14
Percentage of Alumni Working Abroad
% 11
Percentage of Alumni Pursuing Academic Careers
% 9
Percentage of Alumni Working in the Public Sector
% 65
Percentage of Alumni Working in the Private Sector

These numbers are derived from the alumni survey conducted in 2016, as part of the 25th year anniversary of LAUD. 


Tel: +90 (312) 290 1828

Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture Bilkent, 06800, Ankara / Turkey
